If you would like to participate in Giving Day 2021, click here!
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Today's national and international crises show how important it is for us to come together to make collective impacts. The importance of educating the next generation of pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacists to discover and implement new prevention and treatment modalities for chronic disease, as well as future pandemics, is only heightened. However, it is clear that we must do so in a manner that will actively promote voices and perspectives that have been marginalized or silenced in the past to make progress toward an inclusive future on all fronts.


To that end, all our Giving Day proceeds will be channeled to enhance the Dean’s diversity initiatives.


While this is an uncertain and unprecedented time, many are looking for ways to give back to their communities and see positive change. Giving Day is your chance to support an initiative that goes beyond our local community and our current generation. If you are not in a position to support financially, please know that we appreciate engagement in all forms, and we could still use your help in spreading the word over email and social media.


About Us

The departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacy Practice thank you for your interest in supporting the planned School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Building on the success of the Pharmaceutical Sciences department, we are creating a world-class school that focuses on the whole patient by spanning the continuum from drug discovery to clinical practice.


Pharmacy students with training in integrative health will learn to operate with greater authority on interprofessional healthcare teams and fill gaps in primary care. Pharmaceutical sciences students will gain a solid foundation in drug discovery and translational research that prepares them to advance new treatments and possible cures. We are empowering a new breed of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists.



Additionally, our Anteaters in Pharmacy Alumni Chapter brings together all UCI Alumni who work in the fields of Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences.


Together, the departments and the chapter will teach a new generation of healthcare leaders to accelerate scientific, clinical and educational innovations that save lives, reduce healthcare costs and optimize medication use.


We hope you consider making a gift to the Dean’s Excellence Fund today. Your contribution will help us move our important initiatives forward. Every gift counts, no matter the amount, as we strive to create a brilliant future.


Donors of $100 or more will receive an Anteaters in Pharmacy paper weight. Zot Zot Zot!  

Pharm Sci 50 Donor Challenge
Help the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences rise to the challenge and unlock a $5,000 gift by being one of the first 50 donors to the Pharm Sci Excellence Fund.
50 / 50 Gifts
Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 53
2 IL 1
3 AA 0
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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.