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School of Social Ecology

The School of Social Ecology is dedicated to interdisciplinary, problem-driven scholarship, teaching, and outreach in the public’s interest. It is a national leader in applying empirical research to address complex societal problems.


The school is comprised of three highly-ranked departments: Criminology, Law and Society; Psychological Science; and Urban Planning and Public Policy. All are committed to research that illuminates human behavior in both social and institutional contexts, moves beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, and reaches a diverse and broad audience.


Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology
As students in the School of Social Ecology prepare for the inevitable return to campus, many will face emotional challenges and stressors in addition to their usual academic responsibilities. As part of our ongoing efforts to provide care for our students’ educational as well as emotional and mental well-being, the school is implementing the Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology (WISE). The goal of WISE is to improve and expand mental/behavioral health and wellness programming and services for students in our school while complimenting ongoing campus efforts.


Through a series of surveys we have identified four specific areas of student concern we will address:


  • Mental Health and Well-Being Promotion
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Crisis Services
  • Outreach and Engagement


By this upcoming academic year, we plan to open a school-specific wellness space to provide students a centralized location to address all of their urgent needs. WISE will also launch a course, The Science and Practice of Wellness & Resilience, for students in winter 2021.  In collaboration with the Counseling Center and Hopelab, we will help students combat loneliness in college by initiating interventions with mobile apps.


Your donation to the Dean's Excellence Fund on Giving Day will help our students receive the support they need to thrive and succeed in Social Ecology and UCI, achieve their goals in a supportive, healthy environment and clear the way for a brighter tomorrow. Join us!

WISE Match
Double your impact today by supporting the Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology (WISE). All gifts made to Social Ecology today will be matched up to $5,000 by Peter Fischler & Amy Ng as they hope to inspire other Anteaters through their generosity.
$2,050 MATCHED
Donor Map
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC
29 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 29
2 AZ 1
2 TX 1
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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.