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School of Biological Sciences


“Our school, our university, our nation and our globe will weather the pandemic, and it is within our power as biologists to create a better future. In fact, as life sciences experts, we are the people who are uniquely capable of doing so. Each of us must understand this, embrace it, and commit to stepping up and doing our part. – Dean Frank M. LaFerla


Biology is the all-important study of life. Here at the UCI School of Biological Sciences, our students, faculty and community are deeply engaged with the living world, constantly working to solve issues of today. Currently, experts throughout BioSci are conducting critical COVID-19 research. Our top virologists are working with a national consortium of leading scientists evaluating whether antibodies neutralizing viruses that are extracted from the blood of recovered COVID-19 patients can serve as an emergency treatment for the disease. They are also collaborating on cloning key elements of the COVID-19, SARS and MERS coronavirus strains to study how our bodies recognize and attack these viruses. Other BioSci researchers are investigating COVID-19’s impact on the nervous system.

What we are seeing with this coronavirus foreshadows what is to come; unless we all commit to doing everything we can to change the future. And we can change it. How do we change it? As individuals, as the School of Biological Sciences and as a society as a whole, we must embrace and support the leading role of biology in shaping the future. When you give to the UCI School of Biological Sciences, you enable us to continue our commitment to making the world a better place.


Please consider making a gift to the UCI School of Biological Sciences today. Your contribution to discovery and innovation will help change our world for the better.


Giving to the Dean’s Excellence Fund provides the Dean with resources to respond quickly, providing crucial support for high-need areas, including funding for COVID-19 research and transitioning students and faculty to remote learning. The Dean’s Excellence Fund is used to address these emerging needs with flexibility and urgency. Donate today to help us continue our service to science research and education.  


With 80% of undergraduates receiving financial aid and in the current situation, gifts for the Undergraduate Scholarship Fund provide vital support for our students. Endowed scholarships support students in perpetuity, enabling the next generation of biologists to learn and grow at UC Irvine. Support our emerging leaders in the medical and scientific communities by donating to the Undergraduate Scholarship Fund.


Through your gift of $1,500 or more, you will become a member of BioSci Ambassadors program, the annual leadership support group for the school. BioSci Ambassadors are passionate about educating emerging biologists and advancing science in meaningful ways. Through your BSA gift, you will be setting a standard of philanthropy for others to follow.

Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 20
2 WA 1
3 AA 0
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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.