If you would like to participate in Giving Day 2021, click here!
FRESH Basic Needs Hub

The FRESH Basic Needs Hub at UCI is a student-initiated effort that promotes equitable access to basic needs through student empowerment, community collaboration, and institutional integration. Our aim is to shift cultural consciousness towards understanding the fulfillment of basic needs, which include food and housing security – a guaranteed right for every person. We are committed to making UCI a basic needs-secure campus. FRESH offers students a food pantry filled with emergency food and toiletries, CalFresh application assistance, emergency meal swipes, confidential consultations, and a wide-variety of life skills programs.


Your monetary contributions will help provide:

  • Nutritious food to fill our pantry shelves

  • Useful toiletries

  • Meal swipes to allow students access into our campus dining commons for hot meals


This Giving Day 2020, we are confident that you can help us achieve our mission of making UCI a basic needs-secure campus. #UCFoodForAll!


For more information on our resources and services, please refer to our website at www.basicneeds.uci.edu or our Facebook and Instagram @ucifresh. Thank you!


Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 26
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.