The Office of Inclusive Excellence drives UCI’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. This commitment is fundamental to advancing the campus’s mission as a public research university. To this end, the office provides campus accountability, mounts training and education, conducts responsive research, and builds and sustains partnerships with universities and colleges that share this commitment.
This year, OIE launched the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan, a campus-wide effort with three pillars:
The Office of Inclusive Excellence has many programs working toward these goals including:
Understanding extremism is a fundamental responsibility for citizenship in the 21st century. The scale and scope of extremism poses a threat to our civic institutions, democratic values and our very multi-cultural society. The program is designed to fortify our resilience as a campus community while advancing our commitment to inclusive excellence.
The Dependent Care Travel Awards support work-life balance while promoting the career success of men and women faculty. A number of studies have shown, balancing work and family remains a persistent challenge for the knowledge and technology workforce, especially at our nation’s leading research universities. These awards are designed to subsidize childcare costs associated with travel to a professional conference or a research meeting, or conducting research activity that requires travel.
Faculty Testimony:
"Thanks to the Dependent Care Travel Award, I was able to participate in a number of research coordination meeting. One has led to a project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)!"
Launched in Fall 2019 with the core course, UCI as a Minority Thriving Institution, this program received nearly 300 responses for just 30 open seats. The program was expanded in Winter and Spring, and included elective sections of “Community” and “Wellness”. The certificate program promises substantive debate and discussion about inclusive excellence at UCI. Each meeting is an invitation to explore how best to actualize diversity, equity, inclusion, and free speech on campus and beyond.
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about the UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence. Your gift today will help to advance community, thriving, and wellness on campus, in the community, and beyond. Thank you!
Rank | State | Gifts |
1 | CA | 7 |
2 | AA | 0 |
2 | AE | 0 |