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COVID-19 Research Innovation


One of UCI's primary concerns is the health and well-being of our community, and we send our thoughts to all those impacted by COVID-19.


During this unprecedented time, your support is more important now than ever. By making a gift to the COVID-19 Research Innovation fund, you can help advance critical research and community initiatives.


Researchers across UCI have accelerated their efforts to minimize the spread and impact of COVID-19. Your gift to the COVID-19 Research Innovation Fund will support some of their most promising, high-impact work.


Your gift to this fund can help:

  • Develop new COVID-19 diagnostic tests for rapid screening

  • Advance possible COVID-19 vaccines

  • Scale up research for emerging infectious diseases

  • Study the pathogenesis of coronaviruses

  • Fund the School of Medicine’s Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory, the only BSL-3 lab in the UC system


For more information about UCI and UCI Health’s response to COVID-19, please visit:

http://www.ucihealth.org/covid-19 and https://uci.edu/coronavirus/.


Donate Medical Supplies

Thank you for your interest in donating medical supplies and equipment to support our efforts during the COVID-19 outbreak. Submit our questionnaire to get started >

Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 11
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.