If you would like to participate in Giving Day 2021, click here!

The UCI DREAM Center strives to serve the needs of undocumented students with a holistic approach. We recognize that our students have a unique set of experiences, challenges, and responsibilities as first-generation, low-income, and undocumented. Our services help students manage the academic demands of UC Irvine, gain professional experience, and pursue personal development.


In addition to providing direct support to undocumented students, the Center hosts ally trainings for staff and faculty who are interested in learning more about immigrant rights and our undocumented student population on campus. Trainings go over history, terminology, current challenges undocumented students face, and best practices on working with undocumented students.


Your gift to the Student Services Fund today will provide resources for DREAM Center programs, including scholarships and emergency relief funds, and will help undocumented students at UCI receive important support as they pursue their academic passions.

Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 21
2 NY 1
2 CO 1
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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.