Every year, Anteater advocates like you make more possible for our school, faculty, and students through your donations.
This year, the School of Social Sciences invites you to explore our four priorities for Giving Day:
- #50for50 Campaign - With more than 50,000 alumni from the School of Social Sciences alone, there are more than 50,000 reasons – and endless possibilities – behind any gift. Each gift counts, and every reason matters.
- Chicano/Latino Studies – This Giving Day priority will create a fund to help Chicano/Latino studies majors offset the cost of graduate and professional school application fees.
- Veterans Studies – As the only program of its kind in California, the Veterans Studies Certificate Program is working to improve understanding and diversity of veterans’ lives in the community and support research on veterans’ issues.
- UC Cuba – This initiative works to foster innovative, multidisciplinary research on a broad range of Cuba-related topics, and in the process, bridges the multiple divides – disciplinary, territorial, ideological – that prevent us from seeing and appreciating la isla in all its beauty and complexity.
If you decide to make a gift, please share with us why you gave. You can also find out if you work for a matching company to double your donation.
Whether you decide to give to one of the priorities below, or the Dean’s Excellence Fund, which supports the school's highest and immediate needs, your donation is appreciated. Not only will your donation help the immediate priority you support, it also helps build the community support necessary for UCI to continue leading the way toward a more brilliant future.
Thank you for being part of Giving Day.