Pandemic Flu, Zika, natural disasters, hazardous chemicals, transboundary air pollution, climate change, opioid addiction, antimicrobial resistance..…these global risks threaten the health of local populations everywhere, including where we live.
There is no better time than now to engage with the Program in Public Health at the University of California Irvine, home to innovative research initiatives to better understand risks to health and improve strategies to prevent diseases at the population level in the community and around the world.
Your support will help us:
- Investigate the unknown to discover fundamental solutions to the grand challenges of public health.
- Engage students in meaningful and productive excursions, inside and outside the classroom, in the laboratory, and in the community, leading to deeper understanding of the determinants of the quality of health in populations, and to reward with the knowledge and passion to act to improve the health status of diverse communities
- Train a cadre of public health scientists and policy makers who are versatile in the interdisciplinary strategies necessary to transform today’s world.
- Translate population-based knowledge into preventative strategies for reducing society’s burden of human disease and disability through excellence in research, education, and public service.
- Make deliberate strides in eradicating or reducing many communicable diseases and improve quality of healthy life years.