“Thank you so much for generously sponsoring my first white coat. I feel unbelievably privileged to have the opportunity to wear it. It is already amazingly apparent how much support there is from faculty, staff and alumni for the next generation of physicians. It truly feels like we are standing on the shoulders of giants!”
— Nicole Myers, Class of 2021 White Coat Ceremony
You can help to make the White Coat Ceremony a special memory for the next UCI School of Medicine class – the Class of ’22.
This summer, more than a hundred talented and motivated college graduates will receive their first official lab coat at the UCI School of Medicine White Coat Ceremony — a tradition here and at medical schools across the nation. This new white coat symbolizes the beginning of a life-changing journey for the class —one that may be reminiscent of one made by you or someone you know.
Perhaps you recall attending a similar milestone event in your early days of medical school, with all the hopes and dreams and fears it represented. Wouldn’t it be great to let the incoming class know they have your support as they take the next steps to becoming a physician?
Your gift today can help launch these medical students on an innovative educational journey at UCI. Let the Class of 2022 know you are cheering them on as they begin their training to provide a healthier tomorrow for all. When everybody gives, we all gain.