Ayala School of Biological Sciences

Taking fast action when opportunities and needs arise is essential to changing the world through biology.” - Dean Frank M. LaFerla


New technologies and scientific knowledge have always been the building blocks for the discovery and innovation that makes the United States a world leader. The UCI Ayala School of Biological Sciences has a history of scientific discovery and advancement in areas such as medical treatments, drug delivery and environmental stewardship. Our future success entails more than just government funding. It requires the financial support and commitment of benevolent people.


As the region’s only research university with an entire school devoted to the life sciences, we have a responsibility to educate our community and to provide biological solutions to many of today’s grand challenges. When you contribute to the Dean's Excellence Fund at the Ayala School, you enable us to respond rapidly to financial concerns that could be potential roadblocks to the school’s research mission.


Please consider making a gift to the Ayala School Dean’s Excellence Fund today. Your contribution to discovery and innovation will help change the world for the better.

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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.