On Giving Day, people from all over the world rally around UCI for 24 hours, spreading Anteater spirit, challenging each other, and making a mountain out of an anthill. Alumni, community members, students, staff, and faculty give what they can to the cause of their choice in order to further UCI’s vision to tackle the world’s great challenges and serve our community in truly meaningful ways.
You Choose
Giving Day is fueled by the spirit of community and collaboration. With so many worthy causes, your support is sure to make an impact – all while sharing what you are most passionate about at UCI. There are literally hundreds of worthy causes. No matter where you direct your support, you’ve made a difference in our UCI community.
We hope that you will consider supporting one of the following staff-related funds and programs:
To make your donation on Giving Day, click on the yellow “Give Now” button at the top of your screen and select the designation you wish to contribute to.
Small Gifts, Big Impact
It’s not about the size of the gift, it’s the act of giving. No matter how small, your gift makes a difference. Your gift combines with other gifts, and before we know it, we’re well on our way to making that mountain out of an anthill.
In 2017 inaugural year, we had 32 gifts benefiting the Staff Assembly Staff Scholarship. In 2018, we beat the record with 52 gifts. This year, we want to challenge ourselves even further.
Staff Assembly
Learn more about Staff Assembly, the volunteer organization by staff, for staff.