School of Social Ecology

The School of Social Ecology is dedicated to interdisciplinary, problem-driven scholarship, teaching, and outreach in the public’s interest. It is a national leader in applying empirical research to address complex societal problems.


The school is comprised of three highly-ranked departments: Criminology, Law and Society; Psychological Science; and Urban Planning and Public Policy. All are committed to research that illuminates human behavior in both social and institutional contexts, moves beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, and reaches a diverse and broad audience.


Field Study Program
The School of Social Ecology helped pioneer experiential learning 44 years ago, when the school started requiring undergraduates to complete at least 100 hours of field-based learning outside the classroom. Today, the school’s Field Study program enables students to apply classroom-based learning to real-world problem solving, while engaging with the community.


  • Each year, more than 1,000 social ecology undergraduate students, under the guidance of faculty, are placed in over 200 community partner agencies. Students deepen their understanding of the connections between theory and practice and grow into more informed community leaders. Community partners include nonprofit organizations, public sector agencies and private businesses.
  • The impact of the program is profound for both students and community partner agencies. Students become better prepared for today’s labor market, and often have life-changing experiences that influence their future career choices. Community partners benefit from the thousands of hours of work offered by energetic, creative, difference-making students.
  • In recent years, the Field Study program has expanded to Advanced Field Study and Global Service Scholars – all of which deepen students’ learning opportunities and grow the school’s reach.


To ensure the Field Study program continues to be effective for students and community partners, the School of Social Ecology is seeking financial support for participating students. Donations will fund leadership development workshops, transportation to and from Field Study placement sites, professional wardrobes and scholarships.

Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 18
2 HI 2
3 KS 1
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