IMCA | Institute and Museum for CA Art
Together we will develop the next generation of artists and art enthusiasts.


The UCI Institute and Museum for California Art is committed to providing public outreach to underserved K-12 school children in the community. This past year, we had the opportunity to host over 2,800 school children to view our exhibitions at The Irvine Museum.


Our goal is to continue to sponsor students from underserved schools in Orange County to visit the exhibitions of The Irvine Museum – a pledge of $20 for each child will help pay for busing, instruction, art supplies, as well as a nutritious meal – many of these children will be coming from food insecure homes.


Your donation, of any size, will give more underserved school children to the opportunity to see and learn about California's contribution to the world of art and to global culture.


You can also help us reach our goal by sharing our campaign on your social networks and tagging us with #UCIIMCA and #UCIGivingDay. Tweet, post, livestream, and email to spread the word far and wide.


Anyone and everyone is invited to participate. When everybody gives, we all gain. And together we will develop the next generation of artists and art enthusiasts.


About the UCI Institute and Museum for California Art

IMCA, the Institute and Museum for California Art, will be an art exhibition and research destination for what will be among the most comprehensive collections of California artwork spanning every genre, from oils and watercolors to sculptures to digital art and archival materials. At its core, IMCA is designed to enrich and stimulate our community through contact with the very best art produced in California, while simultaneously educating the next generations of artists, teachers, and students of California and its art.


Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 19
2 VA 1
3 AA 0
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