Our 7th Giving Day was a tremendous success! If you missed your opportunity to give, you can still show your UCI pride and give by clicking here
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program UROP

Undergraduate research equips students with tools that give them an advantage in their career readiness. UROP supports students in their research journey as they learn to navigate project management, teamwork and communication/presentation skills.  

Today we have a special opportunity to support the over 1,400 undergraduate students conducting research from all majors and schools on campus. 

Your gift today will directly support student scholarship awards

$100 = student supplies for research

$250 = a student partakes in Research Discovery Program for early research

$500 = two new student led full research projects

$1000 = a student research award 

If you are unable to support financially, we welcome you to engage in other ways such as: 

  • Spread the word about UCI Giving Day to your friends and your community
  • Mentor current students through our professional development program
  • Submit updated information or tell us your UROP story here
  • Engage with our social media content by following our accounts, joining our groups, and commenting on/liking/sharing posts that resonate with you

We hope that you and your loved ones are happy, healthy and safe. Thank you.

Show your Anteater pride today and add a badge to your social handles.

Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 5
2 MA 1
3 AA 0
Student Outreach and Retention Center (SOAR) Parent Happy Hour Challenge
Five parents making a gift to any area of support on Giving Day from 5-7 PM PST will unlock a generous $5,000 gift to the Student Outreach and Retention Center from parents Sharon Sasaki and Robert Yamamoto!
5 / 5 Gifts
UCI Alumni Association Board Challenge
Be one of the first 200 alumni donors to make a gift to any area on Giving Day and unlock $10,000 in support for UCIAA!
200 / 200 Donors
UCI Parent Executive Board 25 Gift Challenge
The first 25 gifts from Parents to any area on Giving Day will unlock $3,500 in bonus funds for the Anteater Grant Initiatives from the UCI Parent Executive Board! When we reach 25 gifts, the next tier of the challenge will be released!
25 / 25 Gifts
UCI Parent Executive Board 50 Gift Challenge
25 parents have made a gift and we've unlocked our first challenge! Now, once we've reached 50 total gifts from Parents to any area on Giving Day, we will unlock an additional $10,000 in bonus funds for the Anteater Grant Initiatives from the UCI Parent Executive Board! Thank you for helping unlock $13,500 in total support for AGI!
50 / 50 Gifts
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.