Our 7th Giving Day was a tremendous success! If you missed your opportunity to give, you can still show your UCI pride and give by clicking here
LIFTED - Prison Education
Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees

In the Fall of 2022, UCI launched the first in-prison BA-degree completion program in the University of California system: LIFTED, Leveraging Inspiring Futures Through Educational Degrees. Building on partnerships between state prisons and community colleges, established in the state in 2014, LIFTED enables incarcerated individuals to apply to transfer into UCI as juniors and earn a bachelor’s degree from UCI while serving their sentence. California’s Master Plan envisioned that “anyone from anywhere in California” could access a world-class education. LIFTED is realizing this dream, supporting eligible incarcerated students in matriculating to UCI.
Twenty-five incarcerated students at Richard J. Donovan state prison are currently in their third quarter as UCI students, earning BA degrees in Sociology. In Fall 2022 and Winter 2023, 60% of these students made the Dean’s Honor Roll. Just a few weeks ago, a second cohort of 20 incarcerated students received UCI admissions offers for the Fall of 2024. Your investment today will ensure that these 45 incarcerated transfer students have access to resources (such as books, counseling, and tutoring) comparable to those for other UC students.

At least 95 percent of all prisoners will eventually be released, but many lack the tools to compete in today’s job market, let alone to pursue professional or graduate degrees. Earning a UC BA degree opens these doors, increasing public safety and economic returns. Higher education is one of the most effective interventions for both reducing recidivism and preparing people to contribute to their communities. According to a recent RAND report, every $1 invested in prison education generates $5 in economic returns for society. Moreover, education is a powerful tool to mitigate the systemic discrimination and de-humanization of mass incarceration. LIFTED seeks to not only educate incarcerated students at Donovan prison but to support replication projects throughout UCs in other state prisons. Your investment today will not only support LIFTED’s 45 incarcerated transfer students, but will also usher in a wave of prison and education reform throughout the state.

LIFTED - Prison Education Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 32
2 MA 1
2 NM 1
Denise Hall 10 Gift Challenge for UCI LIFTED
Help us reach 10 gifts to UCI LIFTED to unlock a very generous gift of $10,000 from UCI Foundation trustee Denise Hall! Through the support of the community, we will be able to support those who are incarcerated to secure a degree that will help them contribute back to their communities. To learn more about UCI LIFTED, visit prisoneducation.uci.edu.
10 / 10 Gifts
Sun Family Foundation: LIFTED 20 Gifts Challenge
Help us reach 20 gifts to UCI LIFTED to unlock a very generous gift of $50,000 from the Sun Family Foundation! Through the support of the community, we will be able to support those who are incarcerated to secure a degree that will help them contribute back to their communities. To learn more about UCI LIFTED, visit prisoneducation.uci.edu.
20 / 20 Gifts
Student Outreach and Retention Center (SOAR) Parent Happy Hour Challenge
Five parents making a gift to any area of support on Giving Day from 5-7 PM PST will unlock a generous $5,000 gift to the Student Outreach and Retention Center from parents Sharon Sasaki and Robert Yamamoto!
5 / 5 Gifts
UCI Alumni Association Board Challenge
Be one of the first 200 alumni donors to make a gift to any area on Giving Day and unlock $10,000 in support for UCIAA!
200 / 200 Donors
UCI Parent Executive Board 25 Gift Challenge
The first 25 gifts from Parents to any area on Giving Day will unlock $3,500 in bonus funds for the Anteater Grant Initiatives from the UCI Parent Executive Board! When we reach 25 gifts, the next tier of the challenge will be released!
25 / 25 Gifts
UCI Parent Executive Board 50 Gift Challenge
25 parents have made a gift and we've unlocked our first challenge! Now, once we've reached 50 total gifts from Parents to any area on Giving Day, we will unlock an additional $10,000 in bonus funds for the Anteater Grant Initiatives from the UCI Parent Executive Board! Thank you for helping unlock $13,500 in total support for AGI!
50 / 50 Gifts
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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.