Our 7th Giving Day was a tremendous success! If you missed your opportunity to give, you can still show your UCI pride and give by clicking here
UCI Disability Services Center
Empowering students to maximize their abilities to thrive in today’s global community.

At the University of California, Irvine, providing a culture of inclusion and equal opportunity for students with disabilities is a campus wide responsibility and commitment. UCI demonstrates its core values of individual growth, development, civility, and diversity by recognizing students with disabilities as an important part of its student body. Our mission is to empower students to maximize their abilities to thrive in today’s global community.

Our Core Competencies

  • Strive to create a culture of inclusion and access to all UCI programs, services, activities, events, and facilities for students with disabilities.
  • Form partnerships with the University community to design and implement an inclusive, equitable and accessible UCI environment.
  • Promote increased awareness of disability as diversity on campus.
  • Provide reasonable accommodations, and related disability services to UCI students, Continuing Education, Summer Session students, and other program participants.
  • Collaborate with faculty/staff in the provision of reasonable accommodations and services.
  • Support and advise academic and administrative departments regarding accessibility to physical and online environments.
  • Monitor campus compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (ADAAA).
  • Consult with campus community about disability compliance or concerns.

This Giving Day, we invite you to support the Disability Services Center Scholarship Fund, which helps provide scholarships to students with disabilities. Your gift to this scholarship fund will support students registered with the DSC who are experiencing financial hardship. 

Disability Services Center 5 Gift Challenge
Help us unlock a generous $2,500 gift to the Disability Services Center Scholarship Fund from parents Kenneth & Barbara Serwin by being one of our first 5 donors!
5 / 5 Gifts
Student Outreach and Retention Center (SOAR) Parent Happy Hour Challenge
Five parents making a gift to any area of support on Giving Day from 5-7 PM PST will unlock a generous $5,000 gift to the Student Outreach and Retention Center from parents Sharon Sasaki and Robert Yamamoto!
5 / 5 Gifts
UCI Alumni Association Board Challenge
Be one of the first 200 alumni donors to make a gift to any area on Giving Day and unlock $10,000 in support for UCIAA!
200 / 200 Donors
UCI Parent Executive Board 25 Gift Challenge
The first 25 gifts from Parents to any area on Giving Day will unlock $3,500 in bonus funds for the Anteater Grant Initiatives from the UCI Parent Executive Board! When we reach 25 gifts, the next tier of the challenge will be released!
25 / 25 Gifts
UCI Parent Executive Board 50 Gift Challenge
25 parents have made a gift and we've unlocked our first challenge! Now, once we've reached 50 total gifts from Parents to any area on Giving Day, we will unlock an additional $10,000 in bonus funds for the Anteater Grant Initiatives from the UCI Parent Executive Board! Thank you for helping unlock $13,500 in total support for AGI!
50 / 50 Gifts
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.