Our 8th Giving Day was a Resounding success! Thank you to all who made a gift during the day. If you missed your opportunity to give, you can still come together for uc irvine and give by clicking here!
School of Medicine

The School of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine shines on the world stage as an enterprising champion of innovation and discovery. As an integral part of the Susan & Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences and UCI Health, we collaborate with partners campuswide to advance high-impact research, educate a diverse health workforce, and deliver evidence-based, patient-centered care.
Join us in our goal to create a healthier tomorrow by supporting our students today. Consider a gift that helps define the future of health and wellness by supporting those who will address the healthcare needs of the world’s growing, aging and increasingly diverse population in the decades to come. Your generosity will ensure that talented students from all backgrounds and communities have opportunities to advance in health professions – a proven way to reduce healthcare inequities. As students’ annual expenses for tuition and fees have increased 100 times over since the school opened in 1968, they need support now more than ever.
Below are a few ways you can make a difference for our medical students and researchers.


  • 1896 Society: Gifts to the Dean's Excellence Fund allow us to fuel our Discover. Teach. Heal. mission. This fund enables the School of Medicine to advance our strategic initiatives, respond quickly to opportunities as they arise and support our students through MD scholarships when they need it the most.
  • Graduate Studies: Support the next generation of researchers at the UC Irvine School of Medicine by investing in graduate studies. All gifts to this discretionary fund enable graduate students to engage in leading-edge basic science and translational research and work directly with our world-class faculty.


UC PRIME (Programs in Medical Education) is an innovative training program focused on meeting the needs of California’s underserved populations in both rural communities and urban areas by combining specialized coursework, structured clinical experiences, advanced independent study and mentoring. The PRIME Programs have expanded to six UC campuses with the first UC PRIME program launching at UC Irvine School of Medicine in 2004 under the vision of Dr. Alberto Manetta. UC Irvine is the only campus with two UC PRIME programs, PRIME-LC established in 2014, and PRIME LEAD-ABC established in 2019.

  • Program in Medical Education for the Latino Community (PRIME-LC): This program is designed to create leaders and physician-activists by offering specialized training for future physicians who are committed to careers in public service. Gifts to this fund will support the medical students and graduates working to close the healthcare gap of the nation’s largest ethnic group by improving healthcare delivery, research, and policy for underserved Latino communities. 


  • Program in Medical Education, Leadership Education to Advance Diversity–African, Black and Caribbean (PRIME LEAD-ABC): This is the first medical school program in the nation designed to specifically develop physician-leaders who will serve the unique health needs of the ABC population and to develop the next generation of physician-leaders who are committed to public service, social justice and advocacy within those communities. 


A gift of any amount will contribute to the development of bright medical minds and innovative ideas for addressing complex healthcare challenges. By making a gift, you play a crucial role in our students’ ongoing success and future accomplishments, which will transform our community and beyond.
Let’s create a brilliant future for healthcare – together.

School of Medicine Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 35
2 MA 1
2 MT 1
Last But Not Least!
Congratulations to Tse-Wen Chen, a current student, whose gift to Solar Car Engineering Student Group won the Last But Not Least Challenge! With your gift Tse-Wen, $1000 in bonus funds will be awarded to Solar Car Engineering, thanks to the generous support of UCI Foundation trustees Gary and Melanie Singer!
School of Medicine $5,000 Match
Thanks to a generous Class of 1974 alum, all gifts made today to the School of Medicine in support of any area will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $5,000! The alum’s gift will support the school’s Student Emergency Fund.
$5,000 MATCHED
School of Medicine Alumni Board 25 Gift Challenge
Be one of the first 25 gifts made in support of any area of the School of Medicine to unlock an additional $2,000! Thank you to the following Alumni Board members – Dr. Rimal Bera, Dr. Tom Vovan, Dr. Charles Nguyen and Dr. Anne Marie McNeill – for making this generous challenge possible.
25 / 25 Gifts
Parent Power Hour 25 gift Challenge
Power Hour? How about a power 15-minutes?! Congratulations to our UCI Parent and Family community for coming together in record time to unlock $10,000 in support for Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs! Keep the momentum going and support some of our outstanding matches and challenges below!
25 / 25 Gifts
1965 Challenge
Congratulations to Hilary Lapks! Your gift to Men's Volleyball just unlocked $1,965 in bonus funds for the program!
1,965 / 1,965 Gifts
Early Bird Challenge
Congratulations to Darcy Wilson-Jones (LGBT Resource Center), Katy Young (School of the Arts/Dance), Charlton Lee (Social Sciences Student Awards) and Rick Emerling (UCI Retirees Association Scholarships), for winning our Early Bird Challenge! $500 in bonus funds will be added to each of these funds in your honor!
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.