Our 8th Giving Day was a Resounding success! Thank you to all who made a gift during the day. If you missed your opportunity to give, you can still come together for uc irvine and give by clicking here!
UCI Emeriti Association

Your donations to the UCI Emeriti Association (UCIEA) enhance our advocacy for our emeriti/ae benefits and allow us to provide quality programming as well as funding to sponsor graduate student dissertation awards.

With your help we have successfully advocated for complimentary campus parking for UCIEA members and the creation of a Faculty Retirement Liaison Position. This Giving Day, we are especially soliciting your help to augment funding for our graduate student dissertation awards. 

Background:  As a volunteer-led organization, we promote and protect the interests of our emeriti/ae and of those faculty who are considering retirement through the following activities:

  • serving as advocates through interactions with campus leadership and our representation on the Academic Senate Council on Faculty Welfare
  • working to increase the engagement of emeriti/ae with departments, schools and the campus community, including periodic meetings with every School Dean
  • promoting the interests of UCI emeriti/ae on both UCI campus and UC system-wide committees regarding retiree health insurance and important UC retirement benefits
  • recognizing UCI emeriti/ae’s accomplishments by nominating for campus and UC awards
  • promoting lectures of special interest to all retirees. View our website https://sites.uci.edu/emeriti/ 
  • collaborating with the UCI Center for Emeriti and Retirees (CER) to provide enjoyable activities on campus and in the community


Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 12
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
Last But Not Least!
Congratulations to Tse-Wen Chen, a current student, whose gift to Solar Car Engineering Student Group won the Last But Not Least Challenge! With your gift Tse-Wen, $1000 in bonus funds will be awarded to Solar Car Engineering, thanks to the generous support of UCI Foundation trustees Gary and Melanie Singer!
Parent Power Hour 25 gift Challenge
Power Hour? How about a power 15-minutes?! Congratulations to our UCI Parent and Family community for coming together in record time to unlock $10,000 in support for Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs! Keep the momentum going and support some of our outstanding matches and challenges below!
25 / 25 Gifts
1965 Challenge
Congratulations to Hilary Lapks! Your gift to Men's Volleyball just unlocked $1,965 in bonus funds for the program!
1,965 / 1,965 Gifts
Early Bird Challenge
Congratulations to Darcy Wilson-Jones (LGBT Resource Center), Katy Young (School of the Arts/Dance), Charlton Lee (Social Sciences Student Awards) and Rick Emerling (UCI Retirees Association Scholarships), for winning our Early Bird Challenge! $500 in bonus funds will be added to each of these funds in your honor!
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.