Our 8th Giving Day was a Resounding success! Thank you to all who made a gift during the day. If you missed your opportunity to give, you can still come together for uc irvine and give by clicking here!
PrisonPandemic Project
Hundreds dead. Thousands infected. Stories from the inside.

Support PrisonPandemic as we raise money to send paperback books of stories and artwork to incarcerated people throughout California.

The PrisonPandemic archive project began collecting stories from incarcerated people and their family members in Summer 2020, several months after the first reports of COVID-19 surfaced in California. We have received nearly 5,000 phone calls, letters, pieces of artwork, and stories from people in prisons across California. You can view these original contributions on our website, and soon these contributions will also be available through Special Collections & Archives at the University of California, Irvine Libraries.

But the incarcerated people who shared their stories with us have no internet access and cannot explore our website. Therefore, we are fundraising to cover the costs of sending a PrisonPandemic paperback book – a printed anthology of the stories on our website – back inside to the incarcerated people who shared their stories with us. 

Our goal is to raise $5,000 to purchase the PrisonPandemic paperback book, Locked Down and Locked Up: Stories from the Inside, for people who are incarcerated throughout California’s prisons. The goal of this fundraising campaign is to get these contributions to incarcerated people who otherwise would not be able to read these stories.

When we began collecting the PrisonPandemic stories, widespread lockdowns and visitor prohibitions across prisons and jails cut off incarcerated people from most outside contact. There were no comprehensive accounts of how people incarcerated, or their loved ones, were experiencing this public health crisis. 

By collecting and disseminating these stories, we aim to bear witness to what people have experienced inside carceral facilities during the pandemic and to bring greater transparency to this crisis. Our collection serves as a resource for understanding the pandemic’s unequal toll. By providing individuals in prison an opportunity to share their stories, this project raises awareness to the vulnerabilities experienced by this population.

Your Giving Day gift to the Social Sciences Prison Pandemic fund will help us to share more stories with the incarcerated individuals who made this project possible. Your donation will be used to purchase and send books to people who are incarcerated in jails and prisons throughout California. The book is also currently available to purchase (at cost) on Amazon.

Thank you for supporting PrisonPandemic this Giving Day!

Donor Map
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 5
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
Last But Not Least!
Congratulations to Tse-Wen Chen, a current student, whose gift to Solar Car Engineering Student Group won the Last But Not Least Challenge! With your gift Tse-Wen, $1000 in bonus funds will be awarded to Solar Car Engineering, thanks to the generous support of UCI Foundation trustees Gary and Melanie Singer!
Parent Power Hour 25 gift Challenge
Power Hour? How about a power 15-minutes?! Congratulations to our UCI Parent and Family community for coming together in record time to unlock $10,000 in support for Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs! Keep the momentum going and support some of our outstanding matches and challenges below!
25 / 25 Gifts
1965 Challenge
Congratulations to Hilary Lapks! Your gift to Men's Volleyball just unlocked $1,965 in bonus funds for the program!
1,965 / 1,965 Gifts
Early Bird Challenge
Congratulations to Darcy Wilson-Jones (LGBT Resource Center), Katy Young (School of the Arts/Dance), Charlton Lee (Social Sciences Student Awards) and Rick Emerling (UCI Retirees Association Scholarships), for winning our Early Bird Challenge! $500 in bonus funds will be added to each of these funds in your honor!
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at james.yokelle@uci.edu.